Copyright Notice

1.1 Copyright (c) 2023

1.2 Subject to the express provisions of this notice: (a) Stilla Technology Dental Marketing Services, together with our licensors, own and control all copyright and other intellectual property rights in our website and the copywriting and theme design on our website; and (b) all copyright and other intellectual property rights in our website and the materials on our website are reserved.

1.3 If we learn that you have used our copyrighted material in violation of the license in this notice, we may sue you, seek monetary damages and/or an injunction to stop you using those materials. You may also be ordered to pay legal fees.

1.4 We make use of imagery from (highly recommended). We do we claim ownership of the imagery used on this website and (as web designers) thank Lumen5 for the freemium use of their wonderful software.

Copyright license

2. Copyright License

2.1 You can: (a) view pages from our website in a web browser; (b) download pages from our website for caching in a web browser; (c) print pages from our website; (d) stream audio and video files from our website; and (e) use our website services through a web browser, subject to the other provisions of this notice.

2.2 Except as expressly permitted by the other provisions of this notice, you may not download any material from our website or store such material on your computer.

2.3 You may only use our website for your own personal and business purposes and you may not use our website for any other purpose.

2.4 Except as expressly permitted by this notice, you may not edit or otherwise modify any material on our website.

2.5 Unless you own or control the relevant rights in the material, you may: (a) republish material from our website (including republication on another website); (b) sell, rent or sublicense material from our website; (c) display publicly available material from our website; (d) exploit material from our website for any commercial purpose; or (e) redistribute material from our website, except as expressly permitted by this notice.

Acceptable use

3.1 Prohibited Use

(a) use our website in any way or take any action that causes or may cause damage to the website or impair the performance, availability or accessibility of the website.

(b) use our website in any way that is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful, or in connection with any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful purpose or activity.

(c) use our website to copy, store, host, transmit, transmit, use, publish or distribute any material consisting of (or associated with) spyware, computer virus, Trojan horse, worm, keystroke logger, rootkit or other malicious computer software.

(d) carry out any systematic or automated data collection activities (including without limitation scraping, data mining, data extraction and data collection) on or in connection with our website without our express written consent. 

3.2 Permission

We make use of imagery from We therefor can not grant permission to use the copyrighted material on this website, we do not claim any ownership of the imagery used on this website.

Report abuse

4.1 If you become aware of any unlawful material or any activity on our website or any material or activity that violates this notice, please let us know.

4.2 You may notify us of such material or activity via email or through our Abuse Report Form. 

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Please consider that the owner of this website has an affiliate relationship and another material connections, to suppliers of goods and services that may be discussed here. The owner may be compensated for recommending products or services, or linking to the supplier’s website and phone number.

© copyright 2023